Google Ara project( make phone as you desire)
Google Ara project( make phone as you desire)
bad experience of breaking the
smartphone screens and then unscrewing
the whole device to the core just to
replace that particular component or
some of us would not be happy with the
camera or the performance of the
processor and due to these one or two
reasons we tend to replace her present
device with a whole new one which
eventually will become old in the next
two or three months well that's bad
right and this is what Google is trying
to change through its project ara it
allows you to just slide out that
particular component you're not
satisfied with and replace it with a
high-end one
this is Misha vane from
dwight sector and let's see what Google
is coming up with the concept of project
ara was brought up by a small team
called a tap which is now been working
under Google what it aims at producing
is a modular smartphone wait what is a
modular device it is a device that has
small hardware components called modules
which are independently upgradeable and
replaceable so they aim at producing a
modular smartphone that consists of a
metal endoskeleton board referred as
endorsed by Google and it has slots to
which all the components of the device
like the camera the speaker and even the
screens will be attached to not with any
screws but they have used electro
permanent magnets between the board and
the modules allowing you to replace a
module as easily as sliding your credit
card in and out of an ATM machine so the
whole project revolves around the
concept of modularity where the modules
are the different phone components and
the best part
these are passive in nature so they
don't require any pass and you have your
battery safe in your pockets Google aims
at using 3d printers for fragmentation
of the module but due to the lack of
development in the technology it has
temporarily opted for customizable
molded cases for now the rs smartphones
will only be compatible with the
official modules released by Google
which can be bought from the official
Google stores and some third party
stores certified by them but this is
just the beginning because Google has
intentions of doing the same thing with
hardware as it did with the software
making this totally open-source giving
the power to fabricate
modules in the hands of developers all
around the globe this will obviously
increase the usability of the hardware
but attaching these modules to the board
also has some drawbacks it makes the
phone heavier thicker and a bit
difficult to manage but when compared to
the controller user gets on his modular
device these turn out to be negligible
google has collaborated with some other
companies to get the project done and
push it out in the market by 2016 and it
aims at reaching out to 6 billion people
paul Eremenko the head of project are a
team at Google showcased the first
working prototype of project ara at
Google i/o 2014 Google through this
technology wants to lower the entry
barrier for the phone hardware
manufacturers so there can be hundreds
and thousands of hardware developers
instead of the current handful of big
manufacturers and we hope Google makes
this happen
useful article
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